El blog de ace76


I see you
I watch you
I scan you
I wait for you
I tickle you
I tease you
I search you
I breath you
I talk
I smile
I touch you hair
You are the one
Who did this to me
You are my own
I show you
I feel you
I ask you
I don’t ask
I don’t wait
I won’t ask you
I can’t tell you
I lie
I am crying hard
There was blood
No one told me
No one knew
My mother knows
I forget your name
I don’t think
I bury my head
I bury your head
I bury you
My fever
My skin
I cannot breathe
I cannot eat
I cannot walk
I am losing time
I am losing ground
I cannot stand it
I cry
I cry out
I bite
I bite your lip
I breathe your breath
I pulse
I pray
I pray a loud
I smell you on my skin
I say a word
I say your name
I cover you
I shelter you
I run from you
I sleep beside you
I smell you
On my clothes
I keep your clothes

Este texto está grabado en un banco de piedra en el jardín del museo de Peggy Guggenheim, en Venecia. Es una escultura-poema de Jenny Holzer.

4 comentarios

Jordan 13 -

Grief is itself a medicine.

Joserra -

Y acabo de ver la nueva cabecera, mola, jeje

Joserra -

Lo intentaré traducir, poco a poco, jeje

lucia -

Pues, increíblemente, me gusta. No sé por qué, es un poco repetitivo, pero consigue revolver el lenguaje. Bueno, eso.